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Art by - Suhanee Handa

Self-love is the process in which one will appreciate his flaws and blessings, every moment of his life. The practice of loving yourself is considered an important aspect of an individual`s mental wellbeing. The act of celebrating yourself and embracing every aspect of soul, body, and mind makes a even more attractive and beautiful.

Maslow has proposed the theory of needs in which he explains there are five types of needs in human life that helps to create a drive or motivation within individual, these needs are arranged in the form of hierarchy of pyramid. First and foremost need ( bottommost) is physiological needs, these are basic biological requirements which has to be fulfilled for the proper functioning of human body and helps in survival . these needs also known as primary needs generally includes food , sleep water good health and shelter etc. Once individual get enough of his basic requirements, now he want to feel secure and safe in terms of financial , health and social safety.

Taking insurance is one of the example of safety needs. After being secure ,Maslow said person will crave group of people which whom he can spend his quality time , it is social need in which there is desire of being accepted and appreciated by people and here they want to feel connectivity and belongingness and want to have peaceful interpersonal relationship. This generally covers the area of friendship, trustable social groups which are full of love , care and affection. Having good friends leads towards happiness and peace of mind. Going ahead of belongingness needs according to Maslow there comes to esteem needs which is career related achievements , working hard for respected position so that people will recognised and admire them, this level of hierarchy includes the desire of having status or prestige among the society. Many people are successful in fulfilling this stage of need and remain stuck in enjoying fame and never try to search the real purpose of life. Realization of one `s real potential is the process of identifying the purpose of life , it is topmost need in the Maslow of hierarchy of needs which can includes the concept of mindfulness and spiritual enhancement Maslow `s theory is so appropriate and close to reality which shows the person needs food , shelter friends and social status in his life .

Now if we come more closer to reality , hunger of getting love and appreciation from society makes individual mentally sick and disturbed . love and attention has become important aspect of human life. Each one of us are busy in searching true love , we want someone to appreciate and embrace our existence and make us realise that we are worthy to live and deserved to be respected. Nowdays happiness is highly depends on “ what society think of me, society will accept me or not ?” And unfortunately social ignorance and opinions leads towards the depression and other mental health issues. In the race of getting approval and being loved by everyone , we all forget to love ourself . it is an old saying “ if you don’t love yourself , how can you expect world to love you “ it is true that social acceptance is very important but self acceptance is nessecity . it is cure of many diseases and root of happiness. Before expecting love and respect from others , start giving same things to yourself because you are the most important person in your life. once you learn to embrace yourself with every flaw and blessings , then it will be never matters for you that what the people think about you.

The method of practising self love

Self love is road towards the sound mental wellbeing and happy life. Once you are addicted of self love , the opinions and judgements of the people will create no distress as you have accepted yourself as you are, so no one can use your weaknesses against you . Throughout the process of loving your own self , you come to know about true self , your strength and ability which make you realize that you are enough in your own way. Self love is the protective wall against negative elements of the outer world whcontaininoa taacan harm your mental health.